Monthly Archives: April 2008

Super Xailer discount

New super Xailer discount for new non european users.

Due the great revaluation of the euro against the dollar we have decided to create a marketing promotion of Xailer to new non european users that pretends to eliminate the great difference of parity between the two currencies. For only 15 days (May-8-2008) you can access to any Xailer version with a discount over the 37%.

Do not miss this great and unique opportunity.

New Xailer version 1.92

Dear Xailer user,

A new Xailer version 1.92 is available from the following link:

It has been necessary to publish the complete version of the software because a new IDE and help files are included so the size of the automatic update would be almost the same size than the complete install file.

Best regards,

[Xailer team]