Monthly Archives: June 2017

Imminent launch of Xailer 5

Dear Xailer user,

This article is only to confirm that Xailer 5 will be officially published the next day July 13. The date is irremovable and we promise not to delay it for another day.

We are aware that we arrived very late and that even in the last days we discussed in the forum that we would leave this week. Unfortunately it will not be possible and we apologize.

We are very grateful for your patience and again we confirm that the date of July 13 is unchangeable.

Best regards,

Ignacio Ortiz de Zúñiga
[Xailer team]

What’s new in Xailer 5 (IX)

Good Morning,

And another control! And surely more than one has missed. And it’s the ability to sign PDF documents with a digital certificate. Xailer 5 comes with a new component named TPdfSignTool that allows you to perform this task very simply, basically just indicate the source file, the destination file, the certificate file and its key. That is all.

However, the class allows to establish exactly where we want to visually locate the certificate or certificates and also allows the date and time of the signature to be stamped by a time stamp authority.

And there are still more ….

See you soon!

Ignacio Ortiz de Zúñiga
Xailer team

What’s new in Xailer 5 (VIII)

Today I present a complete new tab for Xailer 5, which is the Communications tab:

Xailer Communications tab

Xailer Communications tab

which includes the following controls:

  • TCefBrowser Web browser based on Google Chromium project (only Enterprise version)
  • TWebBrowser Web broser based on Microsoft Internet explorer
  • TBlatMail Email send client based on BLAT
  • TCdoMail Email send client based on Microsfto CDO.Message component
  • TGmailSend Email send client using Gmail servers and oAuth2 technology
  • TPop3Client Email reception client
  • TFTP FTP client
  • TAsyncDownload HTTP asynchronous client (only Enterprise version)
  • TAsynFileDownload, the same as above but simplified to only need to establish the local and remote file (only
    Enterprise version)
  • TMailSlotCient Communications client between Xailer applications
  • TMailSlotServer Communications server between Xailer applications
  • TInternet High flexibility HTTP client

Some of the controls in this new tab already existed in previous versions of Xailer, however a great effort has been made to be able to be used directly visually from the IDE and in addition its documentation has been completed.

I hope you like them. Xailer 5 is coming soon. Stay tuned!


Ignacio Ortiz de Zúñiga
Xailer team

What’s new in Xailer 5 (VII)

Today I present one of the undoubtedly great improvements of Xailer 5 and it is the new control TCardBox (cards). This new control is especially indicated to replace great amount of ‘Browses’, but above all, to be a fundamental control in the development of applications for tablets. Continue reading