What’s new in Xailer 5 (VIII)

Today I present a complete new tab for Xailer 5, which is the Communications tab:

Xailer Communications tab

Xailer Communications tab

which includes the following controls:

  • TCefBrowser Web browser based on Google Chromium project (only Enterprise version)
  • TWebBrowser Web broser based on Microsoft Internet explorer
  • TBlatMail Email send client based on BLAT
  • TCdoMail Email send client based on Microsfto CDO.Message component
  • TGmailSend Email send client using Gmail servers and oAuth2 technology
  • TPop3Client Email reception client
  • TFTP FTP client
  • TAsyncDownload HTTP asynchronous client (only Enterprise version)
  • TAsynFileDownload, the same as above but simplified to only need to establish the local and remote file (only
    Enterprise version)
  • TMailSlotCient Communications client between Xailer applications
  • TMailSlotServer Communications server between Xailer applications
  • TInternet High flexibility HTTP client

Some of the controls in this new tab already existed in previous versions of Xailer, however a great effort has been made to be able to be used directly visually from the IDE and in addition its documentation has been completed.

I hope you like them. Xailer 5 is coming soon. Stay tuned!


Ignacio Ortiz de Zúñiga
Xailer team