Xailer 2.3 upgrade

Dear Xailer user,

A new minor update of Xailer 2.3 is ready through are Auto Update system.

Unfortunately we forgot to include the the file with latest changes made on this minor revision, so I include them at the end of this message.

Best regards,

Enhancements on Xailer 2.3.2

  • IDE:
    • Error on Tools menu options when no project was active
    • Project tree view error when adding a subproject
    • Minor fixes on ‘Clean project’
    • Avoid blink due proyect tree reload
    • Better detection of old format proyect files
    • Background highlight of parentheses
    • When pasting from the clipboard, the text was inserted instead of replaced
    • Do not erase DLL file on option ‘Clean project’
    • Minor fixes on ‘Publish project’ option
    • On some circunstances the IDE lost its font
    • When saving a new renamed module, the editor did not reflect the changes
    • Bug on autocomplete with ‘::’ when no project was active
    • New Clipper console functions added to Intellisense (841 functions)
  • DataControls
    • MySql: Ping mechanism to be sure the connection is active
    • MySql: Bug on Day(), Month() and Year() with dates saved as empty values
  • Controls
    • TComboBox: Compatibility with WINE on linux
    • TRichEdit: New properties lProtected, lSmallCaps, nHighLight and methods HasText(), GetFirstVisibleLine(), GoBotom(), GoTop(), SetProtected() and SetSmallCaps()
    • TRichEdit: Menu popup memory released
    • TRichEdit: Modified FindText() so it returns .T. if something found and .F. if not
    • TOptionList: Support of events OnLButtonDown and OnClick on area without items
    • TBrwColumn: Control of multiline headers for the conextual menu

  • Other classes
    • TApplication: Change of datasources close state check point when the application ends


[Xailer team]