New Xailer 2.5 upgrade

New Xailer version 2.5.1 available!!

New Xailer version that includes important corrections and minor enhancements:

  • IDE:
    • Few corrections in Intellisense
    • Improvements on Plugins functionality
    • When copying controls, its events become duplicated on the XFM file
    • Error when deleting a ExplorerGroup
    • Persistence bug on controls font property
    • Error when trying to copy controls where its property aItems were not objects (f.ex. listbox)
    • SQLite Editor: New functionality to execute BATCH processes
  • General:
    • Due a important changes on Plugin systems, all of them must be recompiled
  • Controls
    • TOcx: Did not accpet accented characters
    • TControl: When clicking outside the menu popup the default menu action was triggered. Use new parameter lCanceled to gain the same functionality
    • TControl: New by reference parameter lCanceled on ShowPopupMenu(), that is set to .T. if the user cancels the popup menu
    • TControl: Use form oFont if its oFont propery is NIL and its property lParentFont is .F.
  • Samples
    • samplesMetaControlsOffice2007Buttons: Metacontrol sample that creates a Office2007 style button from a TGlassBtn control
    • samplesPluginsMoreOptions: New options and enhancements. Now it uses a dialog instead of a menu
    • samplesPluginsHelloWord: Basic plugin to use as a template for your own plugins
  • Documentation
    • Updated to latest changes

    For this time the ‘Auto Update’ system is not available due the important changes: New IDE, new help files and new samples.

    Best regards,
    [Xailer team]