Xailer 4.0.2

Dear Xailer users,

We are proud to announce a new version of Xailer. Bellow is an overview of its features:

  • IDE:
    • Enhancements on controls rearranging
    • SQLite editor: Posibility to show SQLITE native type values with colors
    • User controls: Control de absence of BCC compilar to avoid the creation of a subrpoject for him


  • DataControls
    • TSQLite: SQL parsing error when lDateAsString was false
    • TDatasource: Mew methodsSqlInsert(oRecord, cTable, lOnlyMod) and SqlUpdate(oRecord, cTable, lOnlyMod). Very handy to create SQL sentences through a record obteined with the TDataset:GetRecord() method
    • TDatasource: Minor correction for Datetime types on BuildSQlSt method


  • Controls
    • TCefBrowser: Initialization error


  • Classes
    • TExStruct: New methods GetDefaults and Modified
    • TApplication: Force the application in foreground when ::lSingleInstance = .T.


  • Fast-Report
    • TFastReport: longlong support on fields and variables
    • TFastReport: CallHbFunc call error
    • TFastReport: Better numeric treatment on arrays when no structure is defined


[Xailer team]