Xailer 6.1.0 publication

Today we publish a new version of Xailer, the version 6.1.0

In this new version we have updated the tool to the latest versions of all the external tools we use, such as compilers, code editors or databases. Xailer has adapted to the latest versions of:

  • Harbour
  • MinGW
  • SQLite
  • Scintilla
  • MariaDB

And great improvements have been added, such as:

  • Event support in ActiveX controls.
  • Full support of stored procedures for MariaDB and MySQL. It includes the creation of classes that automatically incorporate all existing stored procedures in a database catalog.
  • New control TGroupboxMod which is the classic TGroupbox control but vitaminized.
  • Incredible improvements in the TRICHEdit control that now includes multiple import and export formats if you need to have Microsoft Office installed. In addition to supporting transparency.
  • New opacity property in a large number of controls. There is no longer just the possibility of putting transparency yes or no. With Xailer 6 it is possible to set an opacity level by percentage.
  • New method ToExcel () that allows to send from any TBrowse type control, its content to Excel (Excel must be installed).

For a complete list of all the improvements you can consult the following link:

The new version of Xailer and Harbor can be found in the following links:

This new version of Xailer starts directly from version 6.1 because version 6.0 has only been available for beta-testers and for a considerable time. Possibly, this new version of Xailer is the one that has been most tested before its final publication due to the update made in all the tools on which our product is based. We hope that the possible errors that can be found are minimal. And in any case they will be corrected quickly.

You need to completely rebuild all your projects, including any static or dynamic library that you are using.

Best regards,
[Xailer team]