Xailer’s 20th anniversary

Xailer will soon be 20 years old and we want to celebrate it in style with you by presenting a very special offer that will be available throughout the month of June. For any version of Xailer we offer this offer:

  • 20% discount on upgrades
  • 40% discount on new purchases

These discounts are not cumulative with other discounts you may have.

The presentation was made in Madrid taking advantage of a meeting of xBase programmers from the Olivares 2000 Group, many of whose members have been advanced Xailer users for years.

I have taken the liberty of posting the photos of that meeting, in which you will surely recognize more than one (with a little less hair 😉 ). If any of those present prefer not to leave, leave it in comments and we will delete the photo immediately. In the same way, if anyone has photos from that day, I would love to include them.

I don’t want to end this article without talking a bit about the future of Xailer and what our short and medium term goals are, which are mainly two, but which involve a great effort and which we are sure will be very well received by the entire community:

  • Development of CGIs for Linux 64 bits using all the Xailer DataControls technology (integration with Nefele)
  • New 64-bit version of Xailer and Unicode support

Stay tuned for upcoming posts!!!