Third party components for Xailer 2

Dear Xailer users,

We are proud to announce the support of third party components in Xailer and its complete integration with Xailer’s IDE.

This new functionality is completely finish and working smoothly. We encourage all of you to make your own components. On SamplesControls directory you can take a look at the sample in which we create the four components tha you can see on Xailer’s IDE under the ‘Sample’ tab. That project creates a DLL library with the name ‘samples.dll’ that is automatically searched by the IDE on its load.

From this version of Xailer all of the components inside the ‘Samples’ tab will be loaded from a external DLL.

The IDE includes a new menu option ‘Component manager’ to add any other DLL made by you.

Component manager

The install file can be downloaded from the following link:

It requires also the same new version of xHarbour already published that can be downloaded from the following link:

We remind you that this version is only available to active registered users. For further information consult the article Xailer 2.0 news and enhancements on this same blog.

Best regards,

[Xailer team]

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