New Xailer 2.1.5 Beta

Dear Xailer user,

A new release of Xailer Beta 2.1.5 is ready with the all the bugs found corrected. On next Monday 17th we will publish the official 2.2. version of Xailer.

We would like to thanks to everybody that has collaborate on the bugs correction and we will highly appreciate a further effort in order to publish the new version with no errors.

You may download the new file from our new download manager at:

As you can see, the file is a simple executable. I recommend you to copy it to your XailerBin directory and you make a direct link to it, so you can use the old or the new version of Xailer IDE indifferently. It is important that you bear in mind that if you execute the project from the file explorer it will start the old version of Xailer.

Do not attempt to use this beta if you are not currently registered to Xailer version 2.1.

Best regards,

[Xailer team]